Top 10 Harem Anime That You Need to Check Out – Hey guys!. In this post, I’ll be discussing a list of Top 10 Harem Anime That You Need to Check Out. These are obviously my opinion and are in no particular order. I’m sure there are other Harem animes that I could have included on the list. Well, let’s go to the list.
10. Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend

Tomoya Aki has been obsessed with anime and light novels for years and decides that he wants to give back to the anime community by making his own visual novel.
But he can’t complete it on his own so he enlists the help of some girl classmates to help with the script, artwork, music and model for the main heroine. If you enjoy your RomComs with a hint of drama and ecchi that isn’t forced or distracting. Then I recommend you give How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend a shot.
9. Oreshura

Ever since the divorce of his parents Eita has no intentions of being in a relationship and falling in love. This was his intention until he is forced into a fake relationship by Masuzu. Masuzu is tired of constantly being asked out and forces Masuzu to become her fake boyfriend by threatening to leak the contents of his journal online if he does not comply.
Oreshura is what you expect from a typical romcom harem anime. Which actually works in their favor as it does everything it is supposed to pretty well.
8. The World God Only Knows

Keima is known as the “God of Conquest” online as he can conquer any girl’s heart and make them fall in love with him. This however only applies to dating games where in reality he couldn’t care less about a relationship with any girl. That’s when Elsie comes to Keima hearing about his “God of Conquest” title.
Elsie needs Keima to conquer the hearts of real girls in order to push out the evil spirits inside their hearts. The World God Only Knows has a little bit of everything you are looking for in a great harem. As well as make you cry once you get to THAT ending scene.
7. Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

Yamada attends school where unknown to him contains seven girls with supernatural powers. Powers such as mind control to body swapping. Yamada discovers this information and seeks out on a quest to uncover the identities of all seven of the witches.
The show is an absolute treat to watch as the side splitting comedy will keep you entertained as you watch Yamada uncover the identities of all seven witches.
6. The “Hentai” Prince and the Stony Cat.

Youto wants to be seen in a different way from most men and that is to be seen as a pervert. However, whenever he tries to be a pervert it is taken the wrong way and his actions are seen as pure. So when he wishes upon a cat statue to remove his facade.
It backfires as now all of his perverted are now said out loud. If you like a having a good laugh with a supernatural twist then I urge you to watch The Hentai Prince and the Stony cat.
5. Nisekoi

Ten years ago Raku made a promise with his childhood friend that they would meet up again and when they do they would use the key that she has to open Raku’s pendant. In the present day Raku is the heir to the Yakuza and wants nothing to do with the Yakuza and live the life of a normal teenager. This can’t be the case as the Bee Hive Gang start to live in the Yakuza’s turf.
The only way for there to be peace between the two clans is for Raku and Chitoge, daughter of the chief, to be in a fake relationship. Nisekoi is an all around fun show that anyone can jump into and have fun. With an amazing cast and comedy, give Nisekoi a shot if you haven’t seen it already.
4. Date A Live

Shidou was going to school like any other day when a spatial quake like thirty years ago happens. He discovers that the source of the quake is a girl who he discovers is a spirit. In order to save the city and the girl from the military.
He is told of the only method of saving spirits. To make them fall in love. If you’re looking for a fun and enjoyable anime with cute girls and entertaining fight scene give Date a Live a watch.
3. Haganai: I don’t have many friends

Kodaka for most of his life had no friends. So when he transfers into a new school he seeks friends. However with his blonde hair and mean look he is looked at as a delinquent. Kodaka thinks he is going to remain a loner until he meets Yozora by herself in a classroom.
Determined to both make friends, them found the neighbors club for people like them who don’t have friends. With the fun synergy of the cast along with the funny and sexual jokes Haganai is a must watch espically with how amazing the english dub is.
2. Mayo Chiki!

Since he was little Kinjirou was used as a punching bag by his mom and sister. Because of being a punching bag for many years he has develop a fear of women and will get a nose bleed when a girl touches him. But when he finds out that Subaru is secretly a girl.
In exchanged for his silence, Subaru agrees to help Kinjirou with his gynophobia. A solid romcom with a bit of ecchi. If you’re looking for something different from normal harem then Mayo Chiki may not for you. But Mayo Chiki is an enjoyable watch nonetheless.
1. The Quintessential Quintuplets

Uesugi accepts a job to become a tutor for a family that will pay him five times more than the normal rate. But what he didn’t realize is the family he is tutoring contains five Identical sisters. With all five sisters fluking school, Uesugi must get them all to graduate or else he is fired.
I would be surprised if you haven’t watch this show already but this is another reminder. Go and watch this show already. As it has comedy, drama, heartwarming moments and of course an epic waifu war for the ages.
That is it from today’s post on Top 10 Harem Anime That You Need to Check Out. If you do not agree with the points in the post and have some of your own opinions, share them with us in the comments section down below. Keep visiting Animesoulking for more information about Anime and Manga.
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Chandan is the writer of “Top 10 Harem Anime That You Need to Check Out”. Also, Connect with me on YouTube and Facebook.